Projects Matrix



Private villa in Sweden
House 313
Private villa in Piemonte
Private villa in Sardegna
Private villa in Lombardia
Private villa in Sardegna
Private villa in Piemonte
Private villa in Lombardia
Private villa in Lombardia
Private villa in Lombardia
Private villa in Piemonte
Private villa in Sardegna
“A Gonfie Vele” Project: Italy’s Tallest Mass Timber Building
6-Storey CLT building in Parma
6 CLT Storey in Modena
Micro residences for the elderly
Multistorey Hotel
“A Gonfie Vele” Project: Italy’s Tallest Mass Timber Building
Upper House Panoramic Pergola
Heimdalsporten B-D
Vestbyen A-B-C-D
11-Storey Mass Timber Building
Heimdalsporten A-C
Y Timber
New Blue Cross HQ
VisLab HQ
Ex-Officine Scaglietti
Arimondo’s Office
Multistorey CLT buildings in Veneto
A clothing store in Veneto
TRCA Office Building
Durst HQ
Y Timber
School in Castelvetro
Music School in Mirandola
Primary School “Don Andreoli”
Primary school in Medolla (Rock NoWar)
Nursery school in Galliera
NTMK – Newtown Mt Kennedy
Makoko Floating School II
“Sacro Cuore” Kindergarten
Contest for Bologna’s School
Kindergarten in Gravellona
Shepparton Sports & Events Centre
SMU Batch 2
SMU Batch 1
Primiero’s Secondary School
Computational Design
Parametric Façade
Parametric Wall
Parametric Spiral Staircase
Double Curvature Façade
Obsidian Rain Pavilion
Upper House Panoramic Pergola
Durst HQ
Modular Building
Heimdalsporten B-D
Vestbyen A-B-C-D
Heimdalsporten A-C
Receptive Structure
Town Hall in Crespole
New Blue Cross HQ
Dining hall in Felino
San Felice Daycare Center
A clothing store in Veneto
Micro residences for the elderly
Multistorey Hotel
Home for those with Sensory Disabilities
Horse training circle in Trentino
St. Aidan Sports Hall
Browne Park Stadium
Sports Hall “Salvador Allende”
Shepparton Sports & Events Centre
Sports hall in Palagano
Double Curvature Façade
Hanji House Pavilion
Obsidian Rain Pavilion
Makoko Floating School II
Bamboo Stalactite
Parametric Façade
Double Curvature Façade
11-Storey Mass Timber Building
Durst HQ
CLT facade in Singapore
Social Housing
11-Storey Mass Timber Building
Relief Structure
San Felice Daycare Center
Home for those with Sensory Disabilities
Production Facilities
Supermarket Conad
Convent in Bologna
Church in Medolla
“A Gonfie Vele” Project: Italy’s Tallest Mass Timber Building
NTMK – Newtown Mt Kennedy
Better Energy Charging station
Supermarket Conad
“A Gonfie Vele” Project: Italy’s Tallest Mass Timber Building
Sprint Canopy
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