Private villa in Sweden

School in Castelvetro
27 October 2020

The villa is a two-story building entirely made of exposed CLT in Sweden.

We’ve been involved in the design of this private villa in Sweden which is a two-story building entirely made of CLT.

The peculiar aspect of the project is that all the CLT surfaces are exposed at least on one side which means that no internal finishing layers have been used. Even the slabs are realized with visible quality CLT (ground floor slab too!). This aspect involved a lot of complication in the engineering phases, requiring close cooperation and information exchange between us and the architect. This it’s been possible, despite the over 2000km of distance, thanks to the BIM approach and the .ifc platform. All notches and drills for electrical and mechanical installations have been pre-designed in order to achieve the desired aesthetic outcome (WYDIWYG – What You Draw Is What You Get).

The result is worth a thousand words…

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