July 2017 is a very important date because it marks the 10th year of Ergodomus Timber Engineering. In this decade, a lot of things have happened, positive and negative, the construction market that radically and suddenly changes in times of crisis and the timber industry that grows in contrast to “traditional” materials.
What did Ergodomus do?
We have tried to understand market movements in time and maybe to play in advance. In these few years, however, we can say that we have become one of the national landmarks for the calculation and engineering of timber structures. The constant search for perfection, the numerous research projects in the field of structural modeling, collaborations with different universities, but especially the design of some really complex buildings that you can see in our specific gallery have allowed us to achieve these results.
We tried to make a game: gather some significant photos and make a collage with the shape of our logo. The result is visible here.
Innovation has always characterized the activity of the studio: BIM workflow, complete engineering of only wood or hybrid structures with concrete and steel, programming CNC machines of all kinds, constant participation in international conferences. All this allows us to always provide cutting-edge solutions to our customers and to offer a highly innovative service that we have decided to call WYDIWYG or What You Draw Is What You Get.
In the ’90s, a revolutionary concept was born: What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG). |
For a few months now, we’ve totally redesigned our website and our social channels – LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram – where we can publish more frequently. We therefore invite you to become our followers not to miss any updates.
What will Ergodomus do? Timber: what’s next?!?
The strong push towards innovation obviously has not stopped and we are working on some very special and exciting projects that will see light in the fall and early 2018.
Keep following us!