Dear follower,
We recently set out to intrigue our social media contacts with the question, “Can a leopard change its spots?” The intimation was that Ergodomus was about to change its appearance and to look out for this. As a regular reader, however, last month’s newsletter had already given you a slightly more detailed heads-up that the next issue you would receive from us would have an entirely new, cleaner, fresher design to it. Well, here it is: the new look that now permeates every part of Ergodomus’ identity and operations.
We may have a new appearance but you can be assured that there is no change in direction for Ergodomus in our approach to timber engineering. The newsletter will maintain its core structure, with updates on our current projects, references to interesting research emerging in timber engineering and headline news about developments in engineered timber technology as well as exemplar projects from around the world – all linked to our completely new website where you can find each of these headline items featured in fully detailed articles. The one and only exception is this month: we want you to explore our website without distraction!

Our new website is where you’ll find everything about Ergodomus: about the company and our leadership team, our services, our projects and – most importantly – the range of client groups we are privileged to work with. So don’t hesitate – go to the site now and find out more about what we do – and what we can do for you and why Ergodomus should always be high on your list to contact when your projects require exemplary timber engineering.
Author: Franco Piva
Director and founder of
Ergodomus Timber Engineering

New Look Ergodomus
To reflect Ergodomus’ evolution over these years and the position – the spot – we now occupy, we have taken time to review our work and projects to date and set out our vision for the future. Every aspect of the way we present ourselves to you and to the world has been entirely redesigned to provide you with much more information about who we are, what we do and how we do it. Our new website is the foundation stone upon which everything else we do is built and we hope to encourage you to not only explore it in depth, but to return to it regularly to keep abreast of everything that is exciting about the modern world of timber engineering.

“What’s in a Name?”
We are extremely proud of the Ergodomus name and what it represents in our specialist field, so much so that we felt you should tell you more about who we are and you can now access information about each of the leaders of the Ergodomus team. Our new website provides an insight into who we are, the location we operate from, our connections to timber production and manufacturing sectors in central Europe, our international experience, our academic involvement and, most importantly, the range of client groups on whose behalf we work.

12 Good Reasons?

Why Ergodomus? We’ve set out 12 reasons in this area of the site which we believe distinguish us from others involved in the exciting world of timber engineering: for example, our holistic design approach, our technical knowledge, and research and development activity that, in combination, enable us to develop creative and often highly innovative solutions to the timber design challenges you present us with. Our use of state-of-the-art digital technology enhances our reputation for reliability.
What Does a Timber Engineer Do?
What exactly it is that distinguishes the specialist abilities of the timber engineer from the more generally understood skills required of a structural engineer? We hope the way in which we have separated out the various Ergodomus’ services on our website helps to clarify this – and which, in combination constitutes, for us, the art of timber engineering. Static calculations, 3D modelling, BIM, FEM thermal analysis, hybrid solutions connection design, seismic engineering and DfMA: they’re all here, as well as details of how we bring these together in the Ergodomus’ Full-Service package.

Track Record
Ergodomus has completed over 300 mass timber projects. We’ve selected over 50 examples of our work for our website which we believe represent the wide range of skills and services Ergodomus can provide. The ‘projects’ area of the site not only shows completed buildings, construction photographs, design drawings and brief descriptions of what is special or unusual about each example in terms of its timber engineering. We approach each commission in the same way: detailed analysis of the problem(s) we have been presented with and a systematic exploration of possible solutions before arriving at the one that’s most appropriate for your project. We hope you enjoy looking through our work.

We have been amazed and impressed by the added value that LinkedIn has brought to our business. It is far from being ‘just another social media platform’! On our company-page you can find a wealth of material not available on our website, e.g. photographs of works in progress updated in (almost) real-time. The LinkedIn platform also allows you to interact with us and other users in a very simple way. Communication and the sharing of ideas is at the heart of what we do – we want to hear from you! Please follow us and join the conversation!
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