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A dream: the house "over" the sea.

Chiavari, not so far away from Genoa (IT): a maze of roads and streets so narrow that sometimes it is difficult to move even with a small car. What about having a flat "above all others" so you can see directly the sea without obstacles ahead? Come and see how we did! (more...)


Wooden buildings: when and why do they rot? (Part 1)

How long does a wooden building? Is it true that they can even rot? To get answers to these questions read our study and participate in the survey! (more...)


Klimahouse 2016: what's next?

At the end of the fair Klimahouse in Bolzano we try to draw some conclusions with Silvano Zanella President of Network Klimahaus Vicenza-Bassano and entrepreneur. He also talked about an interesting initiative of the Network linked to the territory and to wood.


5. International Forum For Timber Construction

Save the date: on March 11th will be held in Verona the "5. International Timber Forum": a unique occasion for designers and entrepreneurs during which it will be possible to see “What’s next?!”. Numerous internationally renowned speakers will be on stage during the day. The key words for this edition? Quality and Durability (more...).


Wood Design Awards

A challenge among the best designers in the world with strokes of pen and paper, but not only, this time they are allowed to use other weapons: planer, saw, drill, etc … Among the winners could not miss the Japanese archistar Shigeru Ban: great interpreter and passionate about this wonderful material.


"In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can"
Nikos Kazantzakis

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