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Timber: What's Next?!

December 2022

Dear {subtag:name},
This year has been incredibly challenging: we worked on a lot of great and inspiring projects, we implemented numerous news/things on our website and also in our office, and, finally, we started a new interesting newsletter on LinkedIn.

In these last months of the year, we have been working intensely on a special and complex project (obviously a Mass Timber one) where value engineering played a crucial role!
During our analysis we came up with an idea on how to wish you a merry X-Mas in an Ergodums way!
With our new tree structure, we all wish you an engineering merry X-mas and a happy new year!

/ LinkedIn Newsletter

Your positive intention for the new year should comprehend subscribing to our new LinkedIn monthly Newsletter. Take part in this numerous community, you are just a few clicks away!


/ Contact us!

If you think we can help you in any ways or you want to share your ideas with us, feel free to contact us!
Talking with a timber engineer is easier than you think!

contact us

/ Follow us on LinkedIn!

9000 followers represent an incredible milestone!
Our page is growing exponentially day by day and we can't wait to add another 0 to our LinkedIn comunity! 
Help us reach 10.000 followers!