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Mass Timber: What's Next?!

October 2022

Dear {subtag:name},

In the last few days, I was scrolling through our ongoing projects: they are a lot and each one of them excites me in an incredible way!
When looking at the projects on the world map thoughts and questions come to my mind but the answer is always the same: Ergodomus will rock every project!

Working on numerous projects with different purposes on all 5 continents we have noticed that, generally, one of the main reasons why timber is not chosen as the main building material is related to the risks it entails.

The skills we acquired in our 15 years of experience allow us to detect, analyze anddrastically reduce all the risks, making timber the material to go for.

Our last technical article is completely dedicated to how to de-risk a project and why you should hire a timber engineer to do it!

How to de-risk a project

Our last technical article is completely dedicated to how to de-risk a project and why you should hire a timber engineer to do it!

/ Project: SMU - Singapore Management University

Read more about SMU, our first project in Singapore! SMU is the first On-site Net Zero Energy Building in this incredible city in Southeast Asia.


/ Service: Structural Design

Calculating the forces acting on a structure, sizing the load-bearing elements to ensure the safety of occupants and the general public are part of this extremely important engineering discipline.


/ Tech Art: How to de-risk a project

De-risk a project from the very early stage is essential if you don’t want to face costly delays and unwanted errors. At Ergodomus we are aware of the importance of de-risk and our skills all work in this direction.


/ Save the date: IWBC 2022

At the IWBC, one of the most important timber conferences in North America, our director Franco will be a speaker


/ Follow us on LinkedIn!

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