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Timber: What's Next?!

April 2021

Dear {subtag:name},

In March I had the privilege to give a speech at the "Mass Timber March Madness" virtual conference hosted by Greg Howes. Greg is a visionary and he created the Mass Timber City project, which we'll talk about in the next months.
Now the video is on YouTube and you can watch it for free

Many people contacted me because of the terrific innovation Ergodomus has brought to the timber market in the past 14 years.
Did you know we've engineered more than 300 mass timber buildings all over the world? What I like the most of this video is that I've put in it my vision of the future of the timber industry. Enjoy it and please don't hesitate to contact us for more info!!

Mass Timber March Madness 2021

Timber for the human well-being.

As you probably have noticed, in the past issues we spoke about how timber can improve our quality of life. This is true and, more important, it is based on dozens of scientific articles. I spoke about this with Mr. Andrew Guido who recently launched his new company Erth based in Toronto. Covid forced us to spend more time at home and here are some valuable tips to improve the Indoor Air Quality of our homes.

We used some of those hints to engineer a building here in Italy that was then cladded with 100% natural cork panels. This is a daycare center for people with mental illness and, together with the architect, we wanted these special guests to have the best possible environment.

Timber alone is not enough so we, as designers, need to take into consideration also the acoustic insulation to ensure a high level of comfort in every situation: below is the third part of the article written by our friends of Brekke Strand.
We will speak soon again about acoustic + timber with a new friend: keep following us!

/ Timber for better living environment

How can a good design change and improve the quality of our homes? Let's talk about it with Andrew Guido, founder of the company Erth in Toronto.
In this article there you'll find some very simple hints that will improve the indoor air quality in your home!


/ A new timber daycare center

People with mental illness deserve a special environment that makes them feel better. Read how we used timber to achieve this result.


/ Timber and acoustic (3)

Impact sound insulation on timber buildings: how are the regulations? We always need to push the boundaries and here are some valuable tips!


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